Monday, November 18, 2013

First set of LABS- 8th day of treatment

Hey all....quick update on Ray today. Duke emailed his FIRST labs today. This was from last 8 of treatment. His AST number (the number that first kept him out of the trial-liver number was 366 originally and now is 47. ALT (Another liver number) was near 303 and now is 73. His bilirubin had gotten as high as 3.1  but now is 1.8. Alk phos (another liver number) 412 but now is 282. Platelets were 88 and now are 118 (you want this number to go up not down like the others!). Kidney function 1.5. Been running between 1.7-1.8...kidneys are stable at this time. Red blood cells were not declined as of now.
Numbers are definitely headed in the right direction, a GREAT first report. Hopefully this weeks numbers will be more of the same. Hopefully by Thursday or Friday we will hear the first hep C viral count and PRAY that is decreasing as well. Ray and I were SO PLEASED to hear this first report. The first of much more good news to come I feel like. As I told the girls I worked with today on the playground in was almost SURREAL the words that were coming out of my mouth! He will head to Duke again this Friday for more labs.
Will keep you updated!

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