Wednesday, June 20, 2012

June 19th: 5 days post transplant

Ray had a good night, he said he slept good. Yesterday he stood, moved from the bed to a chair and sat upright in the chair for about 3 1/2 hours. His goal was one hour they PT told him!
Today they hope to have a step down room available and can move him. The PT also said today she hoped she would have him up and walking.
We were afraid the trip back to the OR on Sunday would be a set back to Ray and his body, but it didn't seem to be. Yesterday evening kidney function (creatine) was at a 2.5, so it continues to go down. Liver numbers continued to look good yesterday.
He continues to be in good spirits and was PROUD of the work he did yesterday. He has his cell phone so he can get emails, FB messages and texts....talking a lot makes him tired so I am REALLY limiting that....imagine that!
I know lots have asked about visiting him. I can't stress enough how important keeping Ray well will be over the next several weeks. ANY infection to his body would be a big set back. If you visit I ask that you have not been sick AT ALL, no colds, sniffles, bugs, stomach virus, etc....Try to limit visits to short amount of times because you all know Ray he likes to socialize.
I also have the apartment address if you want to send Ray cards: 300 Glengary Court Apt 102 Durham, NC 27707. The phone number to the apartment is 919-797-2001.
I am hoping by the first of next week or even the end of the weekend Ray will be released to come to his "Durham apartment!!"
Thanks again to you all. I'll update later today and hopefully it will be from a NEW ROOM in DUMC! Keep the prayers and positive thoughts coming.  

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